Friday, August 26, 2011

Exactly two years ago that I...

...Put this up on Facebook

'' musing sadly on the congenital hypocrisy of the Yorubas,the congenital cynicism of the Hausas, the congenital aggressiveness of the Ibos,the congenital inferior/superiority/persecution complex of the other tribes someone called,'Minority'! Plus the objectivity of Awemoreborelanlay(Omobolanle in "English") :-) that you,yes you, will call judgmental! YOU,WE,US are the problem with Nigeria! You can't see it? Swallow your pride, hunch down and launch yourself FOR A LOOK-SEE!!!''

A reply to it, unedited:

''1 is a loud & boisterous trombone, d other, a shrill whistle, another, a sober flute, yet another an intimately melodic violin, & another, a loudly crashing cymbal, another a harmonious acoustic box guitar, & another an upright piano. All these combined under d leadership of an expert conductor wit a wand of integrity & charisma would b a great orchestra, producin such ethereal harmonic music dat would engage d watchin world's attention as they hum & tap their feet 2 d music of a new Nigeria, "One Nation Bound In Freedom, Peace And Unity!"

Mine to it:

...Shall we ask the Heavenly Symphony Orchestra to send us or raise from among us the expert conductor In Jesus Name! Destiny is at stake here o! Bless ur heart.

The reply to mine:
Heavenly Symphony Orchestra"? U cldn't hav been any more succinct. Amen, darlin. Amen. Lord, send help.

1 comment:

9jaFOODie said...

I agree...we are definitely what is wrong with Nigeria, our inability to take action and the constant ethnocentric attitude of our people