Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Learning Year!!

My 28th birthday 'tale'. lol...

This year, I have asked myself honestly, 'why another lease of life?’' Attempting to answer that may be pretending to know it all, so I won’t dwell on it.

Distinguished friends, it's my birthday and I write...This has been another learning year for me: Please permit me to share a few:

* This year, unlike 50 cent who is godfather to a rhinoceros?! Because they were both shot nine times and survived, I, on the other hand, nearly became godmother to a goat because I kept going to a particular trouble zone! But thank goodness, the Good Shepherd got me recruited back into His divine sheepfold! Amen!

Moral: Stay in God and with God! Some of the troubles we face are self inflicted! Selah.

* This year, I learnt that you have got to be careful what you ask God for. Sometimes, it could be your worst nightmare that you are fussing over! And if He isn’t giving you that which you consider ‘good’ for you , it is only because of either two things:

-It isn’t yours and so, you won’t get it!

-God is getting you something better after you have learnt to wait on Him when He’s ready and don't ever think it’s about you and or when you want it!

Moral: God knows and wants the best for you, He is in charge of your life and hence, He won’t play games with it! Trust Him! Selah.

* This year, I learnt over and over again that my experiences no matter how PERSONAL I take them, can not nullify God’s word. In fact, the good experiences tell me of His sovereignty and yeah! The bad ones too! It’s all about Him!

Moral: Your experiences no matter what they are, or whose they are, can never nullify God’s word or who He is! Selah.

* This year, I knew my friends better and got to know the ones who were never one! This has made the job easier...

Moral: Appreciate the friends that will remain! After all, it isn’t about those who came, it is about those who never left your side! And er... do not ever take them for granted, because they have a choice! Selah.

This year, I made newer friends.

Moral: Old friends are diamonds. New ones? The gold is worth digging! Selah!

This year, I humbly acknowledge that it was a miracle still being here. Because, I have been on transit like never before! It is no surprise that my birthday found me yet outside dad’s apartment. Lord, am grateful for all the journeys.

Moral: Am not any better, any (more) righteous than those who lost theirs in transit! After all, two near death experiences tell me it was simply G R A C E! Selah!