Thursday, May 6, 2010

Of Pink Wearing Single and Married Gals!

''...Your desire will be for your husband..." - God.

''An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world--how she can please her husband.'' Apostle Paul.

It was a friend's bridal shower and we were to come dressed in pink. How much more can a baby girl ask for ;-)

As we continued with the games,questions,answers,interruptions, laughing, giggling, wowing, ah-hing, side talks and all the other things that make up a strictly ladies affair, the married gals in our midst began to get uncomfortable and pressed for time. Side comments like , '' please let's be fast'', ''can we postpone that?'', ''my husband is waiting for me'', ''please , I will like to be excused, because am yet to make his dinner'', ''I have an appointment to keep'',''can we round off in 5 minutes, please?''. Before we could say , ''bridal shower'', these married gals began to get really fussy .Though we all agreed it was a fantastic evening and time spent together,we had to end it! They had to go home to their men!

As I journeyed home, my mind simply wandered... And I couldn't help but see, understand and appreciate the 'thick' line between the singles and the married in pink.

The glitter in all of our eyes as we chatted almost endlessly into the evening yet the difference, the concerns, the needs, the responsibilities! The trustworthiness marriage bestows! I looked with admiration at their wedding bands and engagement rings, I realized there is more to the ring wearing that makes one a wife. For one, the 'twinge' that set in as soon as it was time to go 'feed' 'their men suggests! The 'twinge' that marriage ensures that you of another other that you! The change, shift, focus. The priorities...!

I thought about how that marriage indeed takes a lot from gals ( and boys too! ;) ). I reflected on the fact that forgetting their rings at home still didn't change their status and responsibilities and as for me, if I had asked to borrow someone's ring in the room, the responsibility still wont come on me! Guess I have to be in it to feel the 'twinge' :-) .

Maybe I am close to what these gals feel. I know I love to help people the little I can but it suddenly dawned on me that should I desire marriage, then I better be ready to care for my man whether I liked it, felt like it or not!! And more importantly, respond to the 'twinge'. And that I better be ready to break off from the gals when it is time to go home! That should I desire marriage, then I better be ready to get my 'twinge' on! Now, if you read 'ring' , not only is something wrong with your eyes but you definitely are wrong to think that just putting a ring on it will make one a wife/husband! :-)

Indeed, when we marry, if we marry, we are saying that we marry a woman/man , we marry her /his commitment, her/his loyalty, her/his time, and her/his all. Right?

It got me thinking of the difference it will make! hmmm.

P.S: OK, am back! Miss me? Me too!!! :-)


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