Monday, June 22, 2009

Of Chocolate and of Love!©

ˈtʃɒklət/ or /-ˈələt/)!
This thing called love ,NBST!
Xoxo of Star 101.5 FM had mentioned it that morning and I wanted to get to the root of it all. Majorly for one reason: yours truly is in love! And this love or loving I talk to you about has defied all logical reasoning +sentimental analysis! I am helplessly in it! *giggling*. I have however resolved to a higher authority and am just in that state of nothingness...not bad or good but simply at rest/peace but a resolve that has left me with this,'' He who began the good work in me is able to complete it.'' Selah.

Xoxo said something about chocolates and love having similarities and how that the chemicals and stuff in the former can also be found in the latter and that the ''fluid'' that the brain generates when one is in love can be found in chocolate!.''Love? ''Excuse me! Love?'', I asked no one particularly but in frustration.

Now it wasn't the real gist of the news that day ,she had just given it as an aside but it got my ears tingling because of my present situation. I decided to check out the whole gist on the internet. Ok,I confess again,it was in my bid to logically and or scientifically analyze what my issue is with this love thingy! I haven't eaten chocolates in months now and I definitely know that what I feel isn't chocolate induced! 'Now Google had berra explain that to me',I threatened emptily.

The excerpts:

1. Chocolate contains substances called Phenylethylamine and Seratonin, both of which (put simply), are mood lifting agents found naturally in the human brain. They are released into the nervous system by the brain when we are happy and when we are experiencing feelings of love, passion or lust. This causes rapid mood change, a rise in blood pressure and increasing heart rate, inducing those feelings of well being, bordering on euphoria usually associated with being in love.

2. Dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants to keep us healthy and chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, like the neurotransmitter that is stimulated in our human bodies when we fall in love. Chocolate may actually act as an anti-depressant. I’m sure any one who has been in love has received or has given a box of chocolates at some time in their lives. There is a lure of real power behind that dark, rich, candy of the gods. It is used to say, “I’m sorry!” It is used to say, “I love you!” It’s an aphrodisiac and a prelude to a kiss. And now it’s an antidepressant! ... although, it is not new news for some. It’s still a fun fact. See the chemical we are talking about is one naturally made in our bodies. It’s called Phenylethylamine (PEA). The chocolate helps by releasing dopamine in the brain’s pleasure zone… Your mood mellows and a feeling of calm comes over you .

This question jumped at me when I read the excerpts,"Who put phenylethylamine in chocs?''

So,love and chocolates have been said to have a connect! Scientists say that that feeling of ''tinrinrin'' or ''butterflies'' in my(our) tummy+ the spine- tingling is a chemical reaction and that same feeling resides in choc?!!! What manner of insult,in fact ''assault'' on the the phenomenon of love! A ''lousy'' piece of cocoa ,sugar, cocoa butter, lecithin, flavorings (like vanilla) , sometimes vegetable oil, and a few minor ingredients for texture etc has got the same stuff in it as what I feel at the moment?Absolutely preposterous!Arrant nonsense!

I have arrived at the following conclusions:

1.Which came first? chocolate or love? The whole idea of having you and I here in the 1st place was borne out the maker's love and not because He ate choc!! Enough said.

2.I think science plays God a bit here; they claim to have even found the chemical that makes people fall in love and it will just be a matter of time before some geeks come out to market the Love Bug; something that makes you take or do to yourself to make you fall in love with a particular person.

3.My point is this, where is the place of God in all this?I don't see love as a chemical reaction rather a heavenly connection! oops! am I guilty of ''pentecostal rhymes? but I not sorry for that.
Science can explain the processes but my point is this; what makes you fall in love in the most irrational way possible? Have you ever asked yourself why it is that person that you love that you love and not another and that ''helplessly'' too? *Please don't answer if you have not been in love before.*

4. Science may tell us how but never why!

5. It is not chocolate that makes people marry who they (love) marry.Chocolate or Science wasn't what made them do it. You have got to find out who will help you achieve the purpose that God has set before you and you can be sure that your life will be a model.

6. The West's pre-occupation with science and rationalism can be seen from their high divorce rates and their (continual alienation from destiny). Please ask White Star Line what happened to its unsinkable Titanic!

I admit the whole chocolatey gist at best describes the nature of my "illness" but it doesn't explain why it has to be that (anointed and appointed) dude that am loving. To get that explanation, I have and am still seeking God and asking Him why it has to be him and not another anointed and ''appointed'' dude! We have to ask why and how the relevance of the one we are loving has got to do with our commission from God and how that will make us achieve purpose. And should the person(s) not feel the same way about us,we simply ask God to give us another to love! Simple! God alone has the how and why!
Girlfriend,eat with caution!

Don't get it twisted,I admit that science has helped in doing this and that and yes made life better and easier but I hereby warn them not to tell me that chocs and I share something in common! Choc and love I!

And er...just a suggestion, should you find it difficult to love, eat tons of chocs! *laughing out really loud!* Disclaimer notice: Don't quote me though.
Should you find it difficult to love, eat tons of chocs!
It's valentine's day today in Brazil and it is called,''Dia dos Namorados''. Help to inform them that it isn't about the choc!


1 comment:

Yan Tan said...