Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Too clingy? stop neediness now!

First of all, let me start out by encouraging you to believe that every day is another chance to start all over again. I understand how you may be feeling overwhelmed by the fact that you have behaved a certain way but if you're committed to look at the things you don't like in your life and work on them, you can absolutely start anew... RIGHT NOW.And remember, you are not changing for a man, you're improving FOR YOURSELF, so regardless of how you've acted toward him in the past, it's all about how you choose to conduct your life for yourself from this moment forward.You've got a clean slate... so let's jump in! FIRST, U AV GOT TO ACT RATIONAL&not emotional .Acting rationally means NOT picking up the phone when you want to check up on him and not blurting out 'where the hell WERE you?!?!' the instant he walks through the door. Rather than giving into destructive behavior, you focus your energy on constructive ways to build the relationship. By doing this you will spare yourself that awful feeling of being out of control.'The best relationships occur when two whole people come together out of a desire to share their full, happy lives with one another. They are people who feel good about themselves yet desire a partner to walk thorough this world with and experience life together. These are the relationships that succeed.You can have that kind of relationship if you're willing tofocus on yourself.To do this, you must make yourself a priority.Take care of your health by eating well and exercising. Findyour spiritual path. See a therapist to work through unresolved issues, if necessary. Do the things you love - reading, dancing, writing, watching movies, traveling around the world ...Connect with friends. Learn all you can. Always be open to growth, be it intellectual, spiritual or emotional. And listen to your heart's desire, your calling ... and honor it.Always make it a priority to DATE YOURSELF FIRST. Take yourself to museums, check out that hot new restaurant that just got written up in the Times, tackle that rock-climbing wall at the gym that you've been equally terrified and fascinated by. There's no room for desperation when you've got a perfectly good date for every occasion you focus on your own happiness you will be amazed at the transformation that starts to occur within you. You will feel comfortable in your own skin, and [you won't approach your]relationship from a place of need, but rather one of strength.[Your boyfriend] will be drawn to your confidence and will do anything just to be able to spend time with you.And although you may start out with [the perfect relationship]as your ultimate goal, in the end that will be just a happy by-product of a healthier, more content you.'By focusing on your own well-being and self-improvement, you are bound to become healthier, happier and more confident.I'd be willing to bet that your boyfriend will really sit up and take notice of your new found independence and improved self-image. This could really help renew your relationship.But even in the worst-case scenario, if things don't ultimatelywork out for you and your man, you will be SO much better off.You will feel good about YOURSELF and will have all the toolsyou need to enjoy your own life with or without a man, andwhen the time is right, you will be ready for a healthy relationship to come into your life.

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