Monday, August 24, 2009

Anne Frank ...(3)

Anne Frank stopped putting the dates in her diary.

Darlyn, today I missed aunt Jane's gift. I still hurt from mum's whip the previous weeks. I didn't buy the gift for me,it was aunt Jane who bought it but no one seems to believe me. I used my hands instead. It didn't really do what I want it to.

I resumed at school again to day but still missing the gift. I told some of the other girls and they told me to use candles. What if it breaks! Well, I have to be careful, they warned.

Tried the candles but they didn't work as I would want them to. Darlyn, if the candles break, I will be in trouble.

Everyday, this is what I do with the candles. I use them when I feel I am missing the gift from Aunt Jane. Life has not been the same since that gift from her. Mum still thinks am a bad girl. Dad also thinks I am bad. I don’t really care anymore. Isn’t everyone bad too?

School ,school. Daryln,I would be in Jss three soon and 12 too! Soon, mum wont be able to tell me what and what not to do. Just when I get to the university. I will be on my own and do all that there is to do. The girls in school have grown to about 30 and they all are doing ok.

One of the girls was raped today by another boy in the science class. I hate boys,Daryln. They delight in doing bad things to us girls. Imagine what that uncle did to me too! I think Aunt Jane is right to say that it was good to be with girls only. She didn't like her husband too. After all,he slept on her and made noise those nights. I will stay with the girls only!

Exams will soon be here again It's been a while and I still use the candles.

Today, I have promised not to have anything to do with the men again. I wont even let my dad hug me again too! I am afraid,upset,sad about everything!

This life isn't so much fun after all.

*Anne Frank fell ill at some point here and didn't write in 'Darlyn' for about three months. She said it was at this point that the candle broke into her privates. The situation was badly handled at home and to make matters worse, the doctor who was to operate on her for its removal,raped her instead. Anne Frank's first major encounter with sex! At the age of 12!* - Awemoreborelanlay.

This is about diary three!


Day 4

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