Monday, August 17, 2009

Is it by the souvenir?

I had just finished washing my clothes around 8:30am that Saturday morning and was trying to set aside the plastic buckets that I had used. When suddenly,I noticed something rather ironic about two of the four that I was holding. There were both souvenirs at a wedding that I had attended some few years back and I not just attended,I performed major roles or how else was I to describe my nomination as bridesmaid at both?

Then I read out loud what the sticker on each bucket had:

Saturday..., 2002.
Happy married life.
Courtesy: Bride's family.

Today,Saturday ... 2007
Thanks for making our day
Presented by:The couple.

It was the former that got me thinking this note...

-Was it not the same lovebirds who on that day in 2002 , couldn't keep their hands off each other and in fact stole glances at each other and almost couldn't wait for the officiating minister to be done with the plight your troth thingy, who were now sworn enemies?!

-Was it not that same wedding day that parents prayed that ''our own too will come?''

-Was it not this kinda wedding that single ladies asked for? We should be careful what we desire,I tell you!

To think that the souvenir has been with me since then and in fact has defiled my clumsiness and had not gotten broken in spite of the many falls from yours faithfully.

I was also wondering why the quality of the souvenir could not have been used in exchange for the calamity that befall the marriage? I mean,it wont be too far from the truth to say that the quality of the souvenir is better than the quality of the event it represented. What a shame!
My heart simply bled as I went down memory lane...That marriage had only lasted for a year!

Then ,I took a look at the other souvenir. It is actually a blue one while the former is purple. This blue one is broken already. No thanks to me! :-) But I still have it as it is useful for holding anything else apart from liquids! This souvenir is just two years old and the marriage is still strong and facing all the challenges of this life together.Talk about those life threats of death,sickness,quarrels,family differences and all those other things that marrying someone other than you entails. Feel me?

Then,I thought to ask you these questions...
What has the color of the souvenir got to do with it?

What has the quality of the souvenir got to do with it?
What are souvenirs supposed to remind of? The good ,the bad and the what?
What are the souvenirs for,anyway?

Hmmm.. too serious minded? Just wondering!!!

It is another Saturday again and to begin to tell you about how that people scramble for souvenirs at events like it is the essence of the whole thingy wont be anything I will be eager to do!

To begin to tell you how that not having(enough) souvenirs to distribute at your event will attract name calling wont also be anything I wanna venture into! *As if that is all that will guarantee the success or not!!!*

Buckets are just what they are! B-U-C-K-E-T-S!

To begin to tell you the number of people who have had to chatter a cab all the way back home cos of the load of souvenirs they were /not given is by no means any thing I wanna talk about!

To begin to tell you about how that some couples haven't come out of a debt situation because they had to do all they could to see that souvenirs were in excess on their D-day isn't some fun thing to do right now!

To begin to tell you the number of people who have had to chatter a cab all the way back home cos of the load of souvenirs they were /not given is by no means any thing I wanna talk about!

To begin to tell you about how that some couples haven't come out of a debt situation because they had to do all they could to see that souvenirs were in excess on their D-day isn't some fun thing to do right now!

To begin to tell you that Saturdays are already regarded as sacred days set aside for weddings,burials/'re-burials',house-warming and things of the nature. Just so that people have the opportunity to wear 'sky scrapping' head gears and be in their best as if their coming to eat ''our rice'' will ultimately guarantee the (long) duration of the vows that ''we'' exchanged!

Souvenir(s) to the rescue?!

To begin to tell you how warped some of our priorities to the things that really matter are is not my intention here.

Ok,I admit that having highlighted all these points has given me away but please answer this for me, ''IS IT BY THE SOUVENIR?''


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