Monday, August 31, 2009

Anne Frank ...(5)

Anne Frank continues...

Like I wrote in part 4, she didn't write in Daryln as before. Reason? I guess she was more engrossed in trying to get back her life- school and all that.

But she managed to write a few in this part...

I passed my exams and am looking forward to univ. Darlyn,I guess those lesson teachers really did their best! Me too,u know? It was so heard. David and I will be going soon. What is univ like? I am so curious ! And yeah, looking forward to having my freedom big time.
I do hope the people there are nice.

Mum has been all over this city shopping for for David and I. Dad? It has been a week since I saw him in the house. He said he had to be in Abuja for the whole time. Hmm! Money making dad and trouble making mum!

It is nearly two weeks to our resumption at the Univ. I am nervous...

One week...

Three days...

Two days...

Today ,we arrived at school at about 4pm! Wow! Mr room mates are cool people. I have just two of them - so we are three in our room. I do hope I will like them...
Their names are Jessica and Teresa.

Darlyn, Jessica was praying overnight. And shouting at the top of her voice! Must she? I couldn't sleep the whole time!

Teresa is cool though she prays too but not as loud. Guess she is more considerate.

We all went out today. They helped me with my registration and helped me get along with the univ. David is getting on with his room mates too!

Darlyn,I am excited once again! Life is better now. Away from home, mum and everyone one on my case!

Jessica invited me to her fellowship today. Ok place. Though they spoke in some strange language I had never heard before. Jessica said with time I will understand. Without being taught? Hmmm.

It has been about three months into my being here and I see alot of funny dressed girls on campus. Jessica thinks it is wrong. And Teresa too. I am trying to be good though. I think Jessica and Teresa's fellowship is helping me think that way.

I miss the girls from way back in high school but I cant seem to tell anyone about it here.

Today, I came out when the call to be a Christian came! I feel light somehow...

I still feel the same way,Daryln.

Jessica bought me a bible today! trying to read from the new testament. I enjoy reading about Jesus and all the wonderful miracles they said he did in there! Wow!

Daryln,it has been class,fellowship,cooking and meeting more friends! I am having fun.

Mum came visiting today. She said dad will come soon.

Come 1999

ASUU strike...

I have been home since 6months!

*I guess this was in 1999 - for those of us who were in Univ at the time ,we will recall that 6months ASUU thingy. Anne was in her 200level at the time or rather was to be once the strike ends.*

*The diary gets more interesting here,I tell you...*

Day 5.

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